It was great news when the East Midlands Chamber appointed Asking Better Questions to develop and deliver a programme of Business Planning and Strategy-Themed Events in 2020 and 2021, back in late February 2020.
Within weeks we were in lockdown and the Chamber responded with real agility and took the whole programme online within a matter of days. We delivered ABQ’s first webinar on 30th April ‘Can You Say What Your Strategy Is?’ and we haven’t looked back.
The events cover a range of business planning and strategy topics, from Business Contingency Planning to Business Modelling. Each webinar introduces some ideas and theory, some approaches and methods to help identify what’s important and to prioritise, and then helps businesses turn their ideas into action for implementation and execution.
The programme for July - September has been agreed and some of the events are shown below.
It is designed to support businesses across Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and preference will be given to businesses from those areas.